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Category: Wife 


GuyRule # 338.0: Evaluating a Guy's New Girl

If you're in a bar with a Guy and his new girl, and he asks you what you think of her while she's talking to her friends/at the bathroom, try this:

Buy for her one of the same cheap beers you and the Guy have been drinking all night for each of you and gauge her reaction, from worst to best : Rolls her eyes, doesn't touch the beer, asks the Guy to buy her a new, more expensive one. Takes a sip and leaves the beer on the bar the rest of the night. Comments on the cheapness of the beer and nurses it , but finishes it. Drinks the whole beer without a word. Finishes the beer before you do, and buys another round, belching louding and giving you shit for being a slow drinker. -Jake Decker

WP & G voted:

Lost me but has potential. -G

Club Guy Vote: 86% Said Yes!